Thornhill-Centre Street Land Use Review

​Land Use Study of the Centre Street corridor (north side) between New Westminster Drive and Concord Road.

On March 8, 2011, Council approved the Terms of Reference for the Thornhill Centre Street Area Land Use Study, including the expansion of the study area, directed by Council, to include the north side of Centre Street from Concord Road to Vaughan Boulevard.  In addition, Council approved the retention of the Planning Partnership on a single source basis to undertake the study as an adjunct to the on-going Thornhill Centre Street Urban Design Guidelines and Streetscape Master Plan Study.


The study process included a public consultation program in association with the Thornhill Centre Street Corridor Urban Design Guidelines and Streetscape Master Plan.  Workshops were held with the surrounding community and study area landowners on May 5 and June 7 of 2011, to introduce the land use study and to conduct a workshop on the land use component of this combined study.  An Open House was later held on November 23, 2011 to present the draft Land Use Plan, Urban Design Guidelines and Streetscape master Plan.


A Public Hearing was held on May 15, 2012, to present the draft Study Report and Proposed Draft Land Use Plan/Policies for the Centre Street study area.  Comments which had been received from the surrounding community and landowners in the interim between the Open House and the Public Hearing date, were addressed in the May 15th Committee of the Whole (Public Hearing) staff report.


The draft Centre Street Land Use Plan/Policies are the result of a comprehensive review of current Provincial, Regional, and City land use policy, the surrounding land use context; and, an interactive public consultation process.  Comments on the draft Plan received from the public and Council at the Public Hearing of May 15, will be addressed in a comprehensive report to a future Committee of the Whole meeting in the fall/winter of 2012.


Thornhill Centre Street Area Land Use Plan - Modifications - Vaughan Official Plan 2010 Volume 2 -Council Adopted April 23 2013 > View