Ward 1 - Marilyn Iafrate
Ward 1 Councillor Marilyn Iafrate represents the north area of Vaughan made up of Maple and Kleinburg.
Councillor responsibilities include making decisions on matters affecting the community and City as a whole, ensuring residents are represented at Council meetings, taking a strategic role in directing municipal goals and priorities, and monitoring the implementation and success of those initiatives.
Councillor Marilyn Iafrate has made Vaughan her home for more than four decades. In addition to raising her family here, she has a long history of being an active participant in the community. She has been a strong advocate for protecting and improving the quality of life for everyone in our city.

Councillor Iafrate embodies community spirit – helping with local barbeques, supporting local heritage buildings, organizing tours to the nearby mosque, celebrating Canada Day in Maple and Kleinburg and participating in walks, runs and other fundraising initiatives. Prior to becoming a Councillor, she earned numerous awards for her dedication to volunteering, including the prestigious Citizen of Character Award by York Region. Councillor Iafrate believes that fostering community spirit is at the heart of what makes a responsible and caring city.
Representing Ward 1, Councillor Iafrate is focused on a number of issues. She has successfully lobbied York Region to review and address the need for a centre-turn-lane along Major Mackenzie in the Maple core. Councillor Iafrate is also an active collaborator with the Province and Metrolinx on the development of the proposed Kirby GO Station at Keele Street and Kirby Road. Recently, she succeeded in her quest to ensure that City parkland remain in the public realm and not be sold for re-development.
Other projects include further development of the new North Maple Regional Park which will feature a variety of amenities to foster outdoor enjoyment for all. Councillor Iafrate also continues to support local festivals such as SantaFest, Vaughan’s very own Santa Claus Parade. She continues to be a huge supporter of the Public Library system and was directly involved in the design of the new Civic Centre Resource Library and its amenities. She is currently advocating for a shared services library at the new Vaughan Hospital.
Her work as an elected official continues to provide her with immense personal satisfaction in ensuring that our community is afforded all opportunities to make it the best it can be.
Current Committees, Boards and Task Forces
- Vice Chair, Vaughan Health Care Centre Precinct Advisory Taskforce
- Member, Heritage Vaughan Committee
- Trustee, Vaughan Public Library Board
- Co-Chair, North Maple Regional Park Committee
- Honorary Chair, Run for Vaughan
- Member, Mackenzie Health President’s Community Advisory Committee
Previous Committees, Boards and Task Forces
- Past Member, Trustee, Vaughan Public Library Board
- Past Member, Mackenzie Health Regional and Municipal Advisory Council
- Past Member, PowerStream Inc. Board of Directors
- Past Chair, City of Vaughan, Finance, Administration and Audit Committee
- Past Member, Pierre Berton Tribute Task Force
- Past Member, York Region Road Watch Program
- Past Member, Humber Watershed Alliance
- Past Member, Boyd/East Humber Sub-committee
- Past Member, Council Governance Committee Structure Task Force
- Past Member, Council Office Expenditure 2015 Budget and 2016-2018 Plan
- Past Chair, Code of Conduct and Expense Policy Task Force
Who provides services?
York Region (upper tier) provides | City of Vaughan (lower tier) provides |
Ward 1 Boundaries
Ward 1 boundaries are from King-Vaughan Road to the north, Highway 50 to the west, Major Mackenzie Drive (west of Pine Valley Drive) and Rutherford Road (east of Pine Valley Drive) to the south, and Bathurst Street to the east. The shaded grey numbers on the map represent Vaughan Concession Blocks (PDF).

Contact the Councillor
Councillor Marilyn Iafrate
905-832-2281, ext. 8344
Council Executive Assistant:
Gina Ciampa
905-832-2281, ext. 8723
Council Assistant:
Marisa Provenzano
905-832-2281, ext. 8413
Vaughan City Hall, Level 400
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1
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