Animal Services
Vaughan Animal Services is dedicated to creating a safe community for pets and their owners. Services include dog and cat licensing, animal control by-law education, pick up of injured or sick dogs, cats and wildlife (as well as stray dogs), reuniting owners with lost pets and pet adoption.

Recreation Services
Recreation Services plays an integral role in providing quality recreational, cultural and active living programs, services and events in an accessible, equitable and efficient manner to enhance the quality of life and leisure time of the City’s growing and diverse community.

Garbage and Recycling
Find out more information about your Collection Schedule, Appliance and Metal Pickup, What Goes Where and other online City services.

Building Standards
The Building Standards team has been committed to providing building services to the Vaughan community through digital means, via our Online Permitting Portal and our Online Servicing Portal.

Parking Enforcement
The City of Vaughan’s Online Parking Permit System now offers construction and monthly resident parking permits, in addition to visitor parking permits. If you have any difficulty purchasing permits, please contact the City at parking.permit@vaughan.ca or 905-832-2281.

By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services
By-laws are put in place to ensure a safe and orderly community for all who live, work and play in Vaughan. Licences and permits are required to do many things in the city like running a business, hosting a special event, owning an animal and doing construction to your home.

Fire and Rescue Service
Vaughan Fire and Rescue Service (VFRS) is dedicated to providing efficient emergency response, and fire protection, prevention, safety and education to those who live, work and visit the city.

Water Services
The City of Vaughan is responsible for the uninterrupted supply and distribution of clean and safe drinking water to all residential and business customers.

Wastewater Services
Wastewater is collected in sewers and then treated at plants to remove contaminants before being returned to the environment.

Stormwater Services
The City of Vaughan’s approach to managing stormwater protects the environment, property and water quality.