Dewatering Discharge Approval
Dewatering a property requires emptying private water or wastewater into the City of Vaughan’s storm or sanitary sewer systems. The City regulates this discharge of water in accordance with the Sewer Use By-law 130-2022 (PDF) to protect the public, environment, infrastructure, property and staff. For more information, read the frequently asked questions.
To request this service, a discharge approval from the City and York Region is required before dewatering begins.
A dewatering discharge approval is required for:
- construction dewatering, including groundwater and stormwater.
- excess rainwater – harvested or stored and to be released to the City’s sewer systems.
- excess surface water – any water that collects on private property that needs to be discharged to the City’s sewers.
- cleaning ponds – maintenance activities on ponds that require water to be discharged into the City’s sewer systems.
- emptying tanks – any stored water that requires discharge into the City’s sewer systems.
- any other forms of wastewater discharges requiring discharge into the City’s sewer systems.
Steps to receive a discharge approval:
- Read application process guidelines
- Apply online a minimum of eight to 12 weeks before planned discharges are required. Ensure all additional attachments before submitting your request. (see section c).
- Pay online.
- Once submitted, City staff will review the application and contact the applicant if additional information is required.
- Once processed, the approval will be emailed to the address included in the application.
- The applicant is to contact the City prior to commencing discharge as noted in Section D for inspection by City’s By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services.
- Once the setup and water quality samples are reviewed and to the satisfaction of the City’s By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services, final authorization to discharge is provided.
Please read the requirements below and have all required attachments ready for upload before submitting the discharge approval applications. Once ready, you may do so online.
Application Process and Guidelines
Expand each section to learn more.
Private water or wastewater discharges to the City’s storm or sanitary sewer systems involve the process below. An application is considered complete once all documents are completed and payment is received by the City. Applications must be received a minimum of eight weeks prior to water or wastewater discharge. Please follow the below steps:
- Read all application guidelines here to ensure all attachments are included with the initial application
- Apply online a minimum of eight to 12 weeks before planned discharges are required. All attachments (see section c) will need to be submitted before payment can be made online. Please note, documents noted with an * in Section C may not be mandatory online however, if applicable these will need to be provided.
- Pay online.
- Once submitted, City staff will review the application and contact the applicant if additional information is required.
- Once processed, the approval will be emailed to the address included in the application.
- The applicant is to contact the City prior to commencing discharge as noted in Section D for inspection by City’s By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services.
- Once the setup and water quality samples are reviewed and to the satisfaction of the City’s By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services, final authorization to discharge is provided.
Other Fees (Per the City’s Wastewater Rates and Fee Bylaw):
- Renewal Fees – Renewals are subject to an application processing fee at the time of the application submission online.
- Sampling Fee – City Bylaw, from time to time collect samples when compliance is suspected. In the event of confirmed non-compliance, discharge approval holders/applicants will be billed for sampling costs. These fees are invoiced online at the same location where applications are made.
- Volumetric Charges – Discharges to sanitary are subject to a volumetric fee. An invoice it issued for the volumetric fee.
Incomplete applications will not be accepted and will delay the quoted timeline to receive the requested approval.
The application for discharge approval can be completed online with payment. All major credit cards are accepted.
The documents below are required to be obtained and submitted with the application for temporary and permanent approvals. Missing one or more of these attachments deems the application incomplete and will delay the request for discharge approval.
Cover Letter and Letter of Authorization – Include a brief summary of the requested approval. For existing approvals if documents are being submitted for an amendment or renewal, clearly state the intent of the documents being submitted. For applications being submitted on behalf of the owner/developer, a letter of authorization will need to accompany the cover letter. Please review example to understand the details that must be included.
Letter of Authorization example (PDF)
Document Checklist – Completion of the checklist (PDF) confirming the documents required have been submitted. Required for: temporary and permanent approvals
Insurance Certificate – Insurance requirements as per the City’s requirements on the City’s Standardized Certificate of Insurance Form (PDF).
Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Approvals – Either of the approvals noted below are always required for Temporary discharge approvals, the type of approval required typically depends on the amount of water to be discharged. For permanent discharge approvals, a permit to take water (PTTW) is required when daily water taking exceeds a certain threshold. The applicant is responsible to ensure the appropriate approvals are obtained and a copy must be provided to the City at the time of the discharge approval. For eligibility requirements regarding MECP approvals, visit the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks links below.
- Environmental Activity and Sector Registry (EASR) – Letter from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks. (applies to temporary approvals only, for applicability refer to Ministry Requirements for water taking)
- Permit to take water (PTTW) – The applicant is responsible to determine if this permit is required and must include if it does.
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) confirmation – Written confirmation from TRCA stating there are no objections or they defer all technical review to the City of Vaughan.
Dewatering Plans/ Markup of engineering drawings showing discharge setup – Markup of drawing submitted as part of the site plan approval process (Site Servicing Plan for temporary approvals, Mechanical Plans for permanent approvals) highlighting the relevant components of dewatering setup, including:
- point of water collection (sump, etc.). point of water collection (sump, etc.).
- point of discharge to City infrastructure.
- quantity and quality management infrastructure (e.g., tank, control manhole, treatment system, etc.).
- piping layout, location of flow meter(s), sampling port(s), treatment facilities, flow control valve(s).
- product cut sheets for mechanical appurtenances (e.g. sump pump(s), flow meter(s), valves, etc.); and include any notes on outstanding site plan comments relevant to the dewatering to be addressed.
Hydrogeological report – Hydrogeological investigation report document(s) and their applicable updates, prepared by a professional geoscientist (P. Geo), and documenting the average and maximum discharge, water quality sampling and test results, etc., submitted shall be sealed by the professional preparing the report.
Emergency contact – Submit at least two emergency contacts including name, title, company name, address, cell phone and email address.
Equipment specifications – Product cut sheets for mechanical appurtenances: (sump pump(s), flow meter(s), valves, etc.); for permanent discharge approvals include any notes on outstanding site plan comments relevant to the dewatering to be addressed.
Additional form requirements for temporary applications only:
Memorandum of capacity assessment – Confirming the downstream capacity for the storm or sanitary sewer to accept the requested maximum total discharge flow rate. This must be signed and sealed by a professional engineer.
Additional form requirements for permanent applications only:
Memorandum summarizing the storm design – Summary of the storm design sealed by a professional engineer, specifically:
- For Temporary Dewatering, confirming the downstream capacity for the sewer to accept the requested maximum total discharge flow rate; or
- For Permanent Dewatering, the memo should also note that the maximum overall site stormwater release rate (including stormwater and groundwater) is less than or equal to the pre-development site release rate or the allowable site release rate as approved by Development Engineering. If more than one connection exists for the site, provide a breakdown of the discharge flows for each location (site storm release rate and ground water release) at each connection.
Certificate of conformance during construction – A report from a registered professional (professional engineer, professional geoscientist), attesting that the dewatering activities during construction have complied with all requirements of the discharge approval issued to the approval holder (short-term (construction) discharge approval issued by the City, a Permit to Take Water (PTTW) issued by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP), etc.).
Groundwater quality and quantity management program (required before discharge) – The developer will engage a professional geoscientist licensed to practice in Ontario to prepare and seal a Groundwater quality and quantity management program and submit to the City. The groundwater quality and quantity monitoring program shall include but not limited to:
- Water quality sampling and testing, once a month, or as outlined by the professional geoscientist. The samples are to be analyzed according to the City’s Sewer Use By-law, as amended, for the limits shown for storm sewer discharge. All analysis must be performed by an accredited laboratory.
- Water quantity data collection, once a month, or as outlined by the professional geoscientist. Flow monitoring equipment shall be selected, constructed and maintained to allow measurement of:
- total volume discharged – since commissioning
- total volume discharged – for the measurement period
- maximum instantaneous flow rate – during the measurement period (including date/time of occurrence)
- minimum instantaneous flow rate – during the measurement period (including date/ time of occurrence)
- Non-compliance management actions, will provide instructions and steps to return to compliance when non-compliance is found. This includes modifications to the infrastructure/treatment systems within the property.
- A section should be provided to clearly state responsibility of developer communicating future transfer of approval to condo (if applicable). The following will need to be submitted by the developer at the time the transfer of the approval to the condominium is requested (with a renewal application):
- A new Certificate of Conformance prepared and sealed by a registered professional geoscientist attesting that all dewatering activities comply with the requirements of the City’s Bylaw criteria and existing Dewatering Discharge Permit as well as the Permit to Take Water (PTTW) issued by the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) if applicable. In the event of non-compliance, any actions taken to ensure compliance; and
- Letter from the condo corporation requesting the transfer of the discharge approval along with their Statement of Understanding stating they are aware of:
- the undertaking involved with the transfer of infrastructure and its condition (including review of the certificate of conformance, discharge approval); and
- compliance requirements of the Dewatering Discharge Permit any MECP approvals that may be necessary, and the Groundwater Quality and Quantity Monitoring Program.
Before discharge:
Temporary Discharge
Prior to the commencement of discharge, the applicant is to notify the City’s By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services via email at to schedule a site inspection and witness sampling of the initial discharge to be tested to verify that the discharge will complies with the City’s and York Region’s Sewer Use Bylaw. A copy of the test results are to be sent to the City’s By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services via email at A minimum of five days is required to allow the City to co-ordinate its staff.
Permanent Discharge
Confirmation of commencement of discharge – to be submitted via email to and after receiving the discharge approval and before final discharge. The documents listed below are to be included in the email. Please allow up to two weeks for processing, review and confirmation by the City and to allow the City to co-ordinate its staff for site inspection. Water discharge cannot begin without authorization from the City. The email request to begin discharge must include the:
- results from sampling and testing of the discharge water at the sampling port. The sample analysis shall demonstrate that the treatment system provides adequate treatment meeting the City’s Sewer Use Bylaw.
- contact information for the professional geoscientist responsible for the monitoring program.
- purchase receipt and calibration certificate of the approved flow measuring device.
- photo including date and time that confirms proper installation of the flow measuring device.
- photo(s) showing the initial totalizer reading of the flow measuring device.
During discharge:
- Regular quality and quantity reporting – Monthly for temporary discharge approvals and per the Groundwater Quality and Quantity Monitoring Program for permanent approvals.
- Certificate of conformance prepared and sealed by a professional geoscientist - on an annual basis, or upon application to renew the discharge approval, the applicant must provide the City a report, outlining that all dewatering activities have adhered to all requirements of the discharge approval issued to the approval holder (the City’s permanent dewatering discharge approval, a Permit to Take Water (PTTW) issued by the MECP, etc.).
- Any deviations or non-conformances must be reported to the City within one business day of the incident. The notice must also include information on actions to rectify the deviation/non-conformance.
- The City must be advised of all amendments/renewals/revocations of any other permits or approvals within one business day, this includes the PTTW or clearances obtained from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.
- Conditions associated with permanent approvals shall be registered on the title of the lands and, must be conveyed with any transfer of ownership and/or assignment to a successor. Rights and obligations set out in the approval remain with the owner.
Renew Discharge Approval
Renewals of discharge approvals can be made two months before the expiry date. A Renew button will appear online two months before the expiry.
Amend Discharge Approval
Amendments to Discharge Approvals can be made at any time prior to two months before the expiry of the approval. A Create Revision button will appear online until two months prior to expiry.
Requests to transfer ownership
For requests to transfer ownership of the discharge approval. Please send requests to Please allow a minimum of eight weeks to process.