Service Vaughan

Complete an online request or report an issue with a City service, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Please note, multiple accounts may be required to access some services.

houses in a row

Sign into your account to report issues with waste collection, report issues with Vaughan roads and request services related to parks, trees and grass on City property, as well as access the Service Request Portal (for some waste and water services), the Online Permitting Portal (for building and engineering permits) and the Licensing Portal (for business licences). If you've forgotten your password, here's how to reset your password (PDF).


More information on the online service may be found by clicking on the [Info] links below.

Cute dog on a walk with a leash
Start your small business in October! image
VMC Secondary Plan Open House
Cars parked on the road
people sitting on chairs
City of Vaughan
sunny park with people biking, walking, and picnicking
City of Vaughan
complicated overpass system
Instructor in pool teaching a swimmers with lifejackets on
bicycle sign
tap water filling a glass
City of Vaughan
Vaughan snowplow
Vaughan's City Hall.

General Comments

Other helpful links

Contact Information

Service Vaughan


TTY: 1-866-543-0545

North American toll-free: 

Primary Mailing Address:

Vaughan City Hall 
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Vaughan, ON  L6A 1T1

Call centre hours of operation:
Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to  7:30 p.m.

Report municipal emergencies on evenings and weekends by calling 905-832-2281 and pressing '0' to speak to the City's third-party service provider.

More information


Animal Services

Pet licence, adoptions


Building Standards

Permits for construction


By-law and Compliance, Licensing and Permit Services

Parking permits, graffiti, litter and illegal dumping


Development Engineering Permits

Lot grading, pool/shed permits, additions, new subdivisions


Human Resources

City employment


Infrastructure Engineering Drawing Requests


Parks, Forestry and Horticulture Operations

Grass cutting, parks, trees, shrubs, weeds cemetery services, wasps and hornets


Procurement Services

Bids and tenders


Recreation Services

Recreation program registration



Curb, sidewalk or road maintenance


Solid Waste Management

Garbage, recycling, yard waste


Traffic Services

Streetlights, street signs, traffic calming, traffic and pedestrian signals, and utilities


Water Services

Water meter, curb box, water shut off/turn on


Wastewater Services

Dewatering, sewer backup

Service Vaughan's Call Features


Can't find a service on this page? Call the Service Vaughan call centre with your questions or concerns regarding any City program or service. The contact centre is able to assist callers with general inquiries.


Your questions will be answered by knowledgeable and caring staff. If more information or action is required we will put you in touch with the appropriate department for resolution to your inquiry.


The City's call centre offers the following accessibility features: 



This technology enables deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech-impaired residents to communicate with staff more easily. You can use your familiar TTY communication device; and converts the communication to a pop-up text message that appears on your computer screen – essentially creating an online conversation.

You can access Textnet service by calling: 1-866-543-0545. 



With the UbiDuo, communication is quick: the deaf, hard of hearing or hearing person can start a conversation right away instead of writing on paper and pen, or waiting for an interpreter to arrive. 


Language Line

Language Line, an over-the-phone interpretation system that provides verbal translation in over 150 languages, is available free of charge to residents. Request this service with one of our Citizen Service Representatives via the Service Vaughan Contact Centre.