
Deputy City Manager, Planning, Growth Management and Housing Delivery
The Deputy City Manager, Planning, Growth Management and Housing Delivery oversees a number of departments that play an important role in the city’s development process. By incorporating resident input, thorough studies, Council directions and Provincial regulations and legislations, this portfolio strives for sustainable city-building.
This portfolio includes the following City departments:
- Building Standards ensures the safe and lawful use of land and buildings through the administration of the Building Code Act. The department also enforces the Ontario Building Code regulations (including health and safety standards) and the requirements of the City’s Zoning By-law. Building Standards issues building permits and conducts building inspections while overseeing Zoning By-law processes, sign permits and minor variances.
- Development and Parks Planning is responsible for making professional recommendations to Council on land use applications based on Provincial policies, regulations and legislations, the City's Official Plan and Zoning By-law, public and Indigenous consultations, and technical analyses, as prescribed by the Planning Act.
- Policy Planning and Special Programs is responsible for long-range planning and policy development to guide the creation of a strong, healthy, sustainable, resilient and prosperous city. The department also oversees the development of the Vaughan Metropolitan Centre.
- Office of Planning Law participates in the review and analyses of land use applications and defends the City’s interests at the Ontario Land Tribunal.
Deputy City Manager, Planning, Growth Management and Housing Delivery
Executive Assistant:
Stephanie Ferreira
905-832-2281, ext. 8111
Vaughan City Hall, Level 200
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr.
Vaughan, ON L6A 1T1