Clean Water and Wastewater Fund (CWWF)

In January 2016, Environmental Services started construction on the 16 projects that received provincial and federal funding as part of the CWWF program. Each of these projects benefits either the water, wastewater or stormwater systems in the city.

Reading material related to these initiatives can be found in the table below. More information on how the Clean Water and Wastewater Fund is helping Vaughan is in the news release.

See where all these projects across the city take place with an interactive map.


For more information on this program, contact:

Infrastructure Canada
Phone: 613-960-9251
Toll-free: 1-877-250-7154


CWWF Project No.Project TitleBenefitsEst. CompletionWard
VAU-001Oakbank Pond Aeration System (PDF)

·Aeration system will improve the water quality

·Self-contained pond that receives over land runoff from surrounding neighborhood

November 30, 20195
VAU-002Bulk Water Stations Billing System Retrofit (PDF)

·Replacing outdated dispensing units

·Convenient easy to use system for the community


December 31, 20191, 3,4
VAU-003City of Vaughan Distribution Watermain Condition Assessment (PDF)

·Determine the state/condition of the pipe under railway/river/highway crossings

·Helps staff to determine if pipe should be repaired or replaced

April 30, 20193, 4, 5
VAU-006 and VAU-011Replacement of out of calibration Residential and ICI water meters with AMI compatible meters (PDF)

·Reduce water losses and conserve water

·Replacing old meters that cannot be calibrated

December 31, 2019City Wide
VAU-008Repair and Rehabilitation of Pump Stations and Booster Stations (PDF)·Improve safety, fuel storage and electrical updatesSeptember 30, 20191
VAU-009Maplewood Booster Station Controls Upgrades- Design Only (PDF)

·Address low pressure in the North Maple area

·Improve station efficiency

VAU-010 and VAU-012Pressure District Assessment and District Metering Area Strategy for Non-Revenue Water Reduction (PDF)

·Metering the water in pre-determined area during the evenings

·Identifies areas that have leaks

March 31, 20191, 3, 4
VAU-013Development of a City of Vaughan Corrosion Control Implementation Strategy (PDF)·Developing a program to lessen the impact of corrosion on the City’s underground water systemsDecember 31, 20193, 4, 5
VAU-014, VAU-020 and VAU-021Rehabilitation of Stormwater Ponds to Restore Design Volumes and Efficiencies (PDF)·Improve water quality and revitalize key components of stormwater infrastructureJune 30, 20191, 3, 4, 5
VAU-015Citywide Sanitary Sewer System Inflow and Infiltration Monitoring Program (PDF)·Identify additional clear water flows entering the mainsCompletedCity Wide
VAU-016Citywide Sanitary Sewer System Inflow and Infiltration Monitoring Program, Flow Monitoring (PDF)·Help the City identify issues and manage sewer asset betterApril 30, 20191, 2, 3
VAU-017Update Water Models- Water Distribution System Hydraulic Analysis Model (PDF)·Model will support water service planning and pressure zone optimizationMarch 31, 2019City Wide
VAU-018Update Wastewater Models- Wastewater Collection System Hydraulic Analysis Model (PDF)·Will support wastewater service planning and system optimizationMay 31, 2019City Wide
VAU-019Church Street Stormwater Pumping Station Pump Improvements (PDF)

·Study to determine improvements

·Minimize maintenance and yearly pump replacement costs
