Urban Design Guidelines and Streetscape Plans

Vaughan's Official Plan sets out clear intentions and expectations to promote great streets and public spaces, high quality architecture, and sustainable development that respects our heritage while anticipating future needs. 

A landscape view of homes.

The liveability of Vaughan is directly related to our natural systems, the public realm, and walkable and bikeable streets. The Urban Design and Cultural Heritage Division advances the vision, goals and objectives of the City's Official Plan with an emphasis on people and the experience of place. The following urban design policies and guidelines are applied during the urban design evaluation of proposals through the development application process

Studies, Guidelines and Streetscape Plans

WUDG Cover

City-Wide Urban Design Guidelines

WUDG Cover 2
Cover Vaughan Citywide Public Art Report Final June 3 2016

Vaughan City-Wide Public Art Program

City-Wide Streetscape Implementation Manual

City-Wide Streetscape Implementation Manual