New Community Areas Secondary Plans

The City of Vaughan has embarked on the preparation of Secondary Plans in accordance with the York Region Official Plan and the Vaughan Official Plan 2010, to provide for the development of the City’s New Community Areas to the year 2031 and beyond. The lands were previously approved for urban development by the Region of York. The subject lands are identified as Blocks 27 and 41, on the map below. Individual Secondary Plans are being prepared for each of the Blocks.   

The New Community Areas of Vaughan will be primarily residential and be designed to be compact, vibrant, inclusive, healthy, sustainable and diverse. They will include retail stores, restaurants, offices, parks and community facilities, schools, and a variety of residential housing types and densities. The new easterly community in Block 27, will be planned for a potential GO Rail Station and transit hub in the vicinity of Kirby Road.


The Secondary Plans for the New Communities will set the policy framework for the development of complete communities with a unique sense of place and high-quality design. The Plan development process will be comprehensive, taking into consideration provincial, regional and municipal policy frameworks. It will also look at locational environmental features, transportation analyses, community facilities and services, infrastructure needs and urban design.


To ensure the viability and functionality of the transportation networks for the New Community Areas, the Block 27 and 41 Secondary Plans are being developed in coordination with the North Vaughan and New Communities Transportation Master Plan (NVNCTMP). For further information and to visit the NVNCTMP website please visit:


Location of New Community Areas:


Block 41
Block 27

For more information on each New Community Area, click map to access project webpage.  

Communications Plan

The Communications Plan for the New Community Areas involves three Stakeholder groups:

  • Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) made-up of the public sector, with representation from the provincial and regional governments, technical agencies and authorities, and utilities
  • Landowners and Landowners’ Representatives Group focusing on landowners within the study area
  • Broader public consultation through a general consultation program for surrounding communities, including ratepayer groups, non-governmental groups and relevant aboriginal communities.

Reports to Council

Committee of the Whole - December 10, 2013 report on the New Community Areas VOP 2010

Secondary Plan Process and Draft Terms of Reference Direction to Issue Requests for Proposal > view

Committee of the Whole - June 3, 2014 report on New Community Areas VOP 2010 Secondary Plan Studies - Sub-watershed Component Terms of Refernece for the Sub-Watershed studies: Blocks 27 & 41 > view

Please see project webpage for additional Staff Reports specific to each New Community Area.  

Public Consultation 

Please see project webpage for information on public consultaiton meetings specific to each New Community Area.