About Promenade Centre Secondary Plan
Boundaries of the Promenade Centre Study Area
Located in Ward 5, the Promenade Centre study area is 95-acres, and situated within Centre Street, Bathurst Street, Clark Avenue West and Pierre Elliott Trudeau Park.
Centre Street is a York Region Transit (YRT) Regional Rapid Transit Corridor and accommodates Rapid Transit service as part of the Regional Transit Priority Network. The study area occupies a strategic position in the City of Vaughan’s Urban Structure as a “Primary Intensification Corridor” with rapid transit.

Current land uses
The study area includes the Promenade Mall, a shopping centre built in 1986, additional commercial uses to the northeast and east of the mall and the mall’s parking areas. Other features within the study area include high-rise and mid-rise residential buildings, established residential neighbourhoods, community facilities including Bathurst Clark Resource Library, a woodlot, Pierre Elliott Trudeau Park, the YRT bus terminal, a variety of retail uses and private and public schools.
Secondary Plan Study elements
A Secondary Plan Study will look at the following factors when considering redevelopment:
- the study area's role as a Primary Centre in the Vaughan Official Plan
- the mall’s location adjacent to a Primary Intensification Corridor with associated rapid transit
- the integration of planned and proposed transit infrastructure into the plan, including the current transit terminal
- the number of mixed-use buildings and amenities
- the appropriate building designs, public spaces and land use in relation to surrounding purposes, and integration and compatibility with the existing stable residential neighbourhoods
- the creation of a complete community suitable for a variety of needs
- the protection and enhancement of the open space areas and trails and their links to the residential and business community