Sonoma Heights Pilot

If you live, work or play in the Sonoma Heights community, we want to hear from you!

As part of the Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Plan, we’re testing temporary traffic calming measures in five neighbourhoods to help us refine which measures are best suited for Vaughan. Sonoma Heights was selected as one of the pilot neighbourhoods through a detailed review of traffic data and consultations with community members, City staff and Members of Council.


Below is a map of the temporary traffic calming measures being implemented in your community:


Map of Sonoma Heights with traffic calming measures


Provide feedback on the measures in your area through SitePodium or email:

  • SitePodium
    SitePodium is an innovative platform that provides real-time project updates. You can also share feedback through comments and interactive functions, such as a “thumbs up” button. Registration or login is not required to use the app. Download it from the Apple Store or Google Play.


  • Email
    Email the project team at with the subject line “Neighbourhood Traffic Calming Plan.” Please identify which community you live in.


These temporary measures will stay in place until November 2023, when most will be removed to accommodate the City’s extensive winter maintenance program. However, select measures that do not interfere with snow removal operations (such as some flexi posts and tiger tails at stop signs) will remain in place until spring 2024. Pavement markings will remain over the longer term.


Previous engagement opportunities:


Virtual information session for Sonoma Heights - May 23, 2023

If you were unable to attend the session, you can review the presentation slides (PDF).


Community walking tour for Sonoma Heights – June 5, 2023


Online survey and map – May 3 to June 14, 2023