About Vaughan Complete Streets Guidelines

Vaughan has a complex and diverse public and private street system, where the size, use, character and priorities for each street varies across each community and the city as a whole.

To create an efficient, safe and diverse street system, the City must develop the Complete Streets Guidelines to establish a clear design framework that balances social, economic and environmental priorities and provides everyone with different ways to get around safely. The guidelines will also clarify internal City roles and responsibilities through clear decision-making protocols to co-ordinate the different interests and priorities of all City departments that are affected by or influence street design and operations.


Travel by car has historically been the most popular way for people get around. The city’s transportation system has traditionally been designed to prioritize efficient vehicular travel on major roads and local traffic on neighbourhood streets. But as Vaughan grows, other modes of transportation, like walking, cycling and taking public transit are necessary as well. Pedestrian and cycling infrastructure, like cycle tracks and paths, sidewalks and trails, are found throughout the city, but there is room for improvement.


Through this study, key objectives of the Complete Streets Guidelines will be identified, including:


  • translating the vision for design excellence in the Vaughan Official Plan (2010).
  • implementing transit-oriented development principles.
  • supporting the creation of an integrated and connected street network.
  • providing attractive mobility choices.
  • providing a robust and healthy urban tree canopy.
  • providing safe conditions for all travellers.
  • providing accessible and inclusive infrastructure.
  • enhancing the cycling and pedestrian experience.
  • providing a unified, efficient and high-quality streetscape design.
  • supporting healthy living and wellness with active transportation.
  • supporting integration of green infrastructure.
  • supporting the sustainability goals of the City.