Ward 4 Civic Hero Award presented to Jordan Kalpin and Rom Koubi

City of Vaughan
Vaughan residents and community advocates recognized for commitment to city-building

During a ceremonial presentation at today's Committee of the Whole (Public Meeting), Members of Council recognized Jordan Kalpin and Rom Koubi as the recipients of the 2022 Ward 4 Civic Hero Award. 

Vaughan's Civic Hero Awards are presented annually to residents from each of the City's five wards. The Awards began in 2005 and recognize outstanding achievement and individual contributions to the community. 

Jordan and Rom are the organizers of Preserve Thornhill Woods, a Ratepayers' Association created to connect community members, promote environmental responsibility, improve community safety and accessibility services, and advocate for responsible development in Vaughan. In addition, they use their social media platforms to help educate other residents about City services and programs, including waste collection and, gather feedback on priorities that impact their community. 

As part of their ongoing efforts, Jordan and Rom continue to meet and work closely with other community service organizations and ratepayers' associations to increase civic engagement and advance city-building in Vaughan. 

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