How can you be kinder to the environment?

Environmental Pledge

Do your part! Take Vaughan’s Environmental Pledge

What makes a city more sustainable? You do! Whether it’s tending to a community garden, utilizing home energy rebate programs, initiating green business practices or biking to work, making simple changes to your everyday routine can go a long way. What you do today will shape Vaughan for future generations – so how are you contributing?


Take the Environmental Pledge!

Visit and share an action or daily habit you’ll adopt in 2023 to lead a lifestyle that’s more kind to the environment. Try to think of how you can repair, reuse, refuse, re-gift, reduce and recycle something. Commit your pledge until Monday, May 1!


Need ideas? Even the smallest action can have a big impact. You can pledge to lower emissions by walking or biking to the store, divert waste from landfills by teaching your kids how to recycle, reduce your home’s energy consumption by turning the lights off in rooms you’re not in, switch to paperless billing and so much more. If you need more inspiration, check out these tips.


Green Directions Vaughan

Green Directions Vaughan is the City of Vaughan’s environmental sustainability plan. It provides long-term guiding principles and actions the City will take to meet key sustainability goals, such as enhancing stormwater management, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, building resilient infrastructure and providing access to affordable, modern energy. The plan has evolved since it was originally approved in 2009. Today, it includes new community sustainability objectives and 70 different actions the City will take to change how the organization designs, plans and executes programs. Learn more at


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