Council approves Emergency Measures By-law

City of Vaughan
Fines range from $500 to $100,000
During an electronic-participation special Council meeting on Wednesday, April 8, Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua and Members of Council approved the Emergency Measures By-law.
The by-law provides further authority, subject to the Municipal Act, to the Mayor and City of Vaughan staff to issue responsive, timely and effective orders during this state of emergency. Some of the temporary measures now in place will help to:
  • Further enforce social distancing (also referred to as physical distancing);
  • Protect tenants from discontinuance of vital services by a landlord, including gas, hydro, fuels, and water;
  • Cancel, reduce or defer any fees, charges or other amounts owed to the City by individuals or businesses; and
  • Limit, regulate or prohibit access to any public property. 
The by-law is rooted in the principles of openness, accountability and transparency. The Mayor will report to Council on any new order issued. Information about all directives will be posted online at An order made by the Mayor under this by-law will expire after 30 days, unless revoked sooner or explicitly stated in the order.
Failure to comply with the Emergency Measures By-law is an offence and subject to fines ranging from $500 to $100,000.
The new by-law aligns with previous steps taken by the City to maintain public safety. On March 17, the City declared a state of emergency related to COVID-19. That same day, it was announced that Vaughan City Hall, community centres, library branches and all other City facilities would be closed to the public. This closure has been extended until further notice. On March 25, all facilities within City parks were closed. Today, the City announced that it will host its first-ever virtual Canada Day celebration. This will allow Vaughan residents to mark this popular and much-anticipated event safely from the comfort of their homes.
“The Emergency Measures By-law marks the latest action taken by the City to break the transmission of the global COVID-19 pandemic. We remain committed to undertaking every measure that helps to safeguard the health and well-being of citizens, businesses, the community and workers maintaining essential services. Let me remind the public that ignoring self-isolation or physical distancing advice can have devastating effects and endanger lives. We are in this together and we will emerge stronger.”
- Mayor Maurizio Bevilacqua
  • In addition to being able to tune in to the electronic-participation meeting at, citizens can also submit a written communication for review by Members of Council as part of an agenda item. Written communications can be emailed to the Office of the City Clerk at
  • To stay up to date on the latest updates as they happen, residents are encouraged to sign up for the City Update eNewsletter at and follow the City’s Twitter, Facebook and Instagram channels.
  • Those who feel unwell and believe they have symptoms related to COVID-19 should contact York Region Public Health or Telehealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000. For additional information and resources on COVID-19, visit York Region's website at 