
Corporate Energy Management Plan and BPS Reporting

In 2009, the Green Energy Act and its regulation, Ontario Regulation (O. Reg.) 397/11, required broader public sector (BPS) organizations in Ontario, including municipalities, to publicly report on energy consumption and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions annually. The regulation also requires publishing and implementing five-year energy conservation and demand management plans (energy management plans) related to the assets and operations of the organization.


Royal Assent on Bill 34, the Green Energy Repeal Act was received on December 6th, 2018. However, certain provisions of the Green Energy Act, including O. Reg. 397/11, were retained and reintroduced in the Electricity Act, 1998 under what is now O. Reg. 507/18. As such, the City of Vaughan continues to report annually on its energy consumption and associated GHG emissions and continues to develop and implement an energy management plan every five years.


An Energy Management Plan (EMP) typically includes:


  • Conservation goals and objectives
  • Proposed conservation measures
  • Cost and savings estimates
  • A description of any renewable energy generation facilities, including the amount of energy generated annually


In July 2014, the City of Vaughan submitted and made publicly available its first EMP. The 2014 EMP provided a comprehensive overview of City operations relevant to energy management (e.g., municipal facilities, streetlighting, etc.) and discussed retrofits and conservation measures that could be implemented to reduce energy consumption. The 2014 EMP also described a target to reduce energy consumption by 10% on a per person served basis in equivalent kilowatt hours per square foot (ekWh/ft2).


The Corporate Energy Management Plan 2019-2024 (2019 EMP) updates the 2014 EMP in accordance with O. Reg. 507/18. This update provides:


  • An update of the energy consumption target
  • A GHG emissions reduction target
  • An implementation plan to reach the new targets (i.e., identified energy conservation programs and measures)
  • Financial implications (i.e., costs and savings associated with implementing measures)


Energy reporting and conservation planning is beneficial because it will help:


  • Better manage energy use and costs and demonstrate service excellence for citizens
  • Identify best practices and energy-saving opportunities
  • Find ways to reduce GHG emissions to contribute to a low-carbon economy
  • Evaluate results by comparing similar facilities across the province
  • Provide a benchmark to set goals
  • Measure improvement over time


View the City of Vaughan's Energy Consumption Reports:



The EMP strives to achieve several objectives aligned with O. Reg. 507/18 and Green Directions Vaughan (Vaughan's Community Sustainability Master). These objectives include to:


  • continue to create a sustainability culture that embraces energy efficiency;
  • promote sustainable resource use through energy conservation, energy efficiency, and support renewable energy initiatives;
  • reduce energy operating and maintenance costs through implementation of best practices and advanced technologies; and
  • continue to enhance the comfort and safety of users of city facilities.


View the City of Vaughan's 2014 Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan.


View the City of Vaughan's updated EMP, 2019-2024.
View the EMP Executive summary







Vaughan's Municipal Energy Plan


A Municipal Energy Plan (MEP) is a comprehensive long-term plan designed to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy use and mitigate climate-changing greenhouse gas emissions. Municipal Energy Plans work to foster a community culture of energy conservation while helping to plan ahead for future development, land use planning, growth planning, and energy generation and transmission infrastructure. MEPs help to outline options for local clean and renewable energy generation, and work to support economic development by more effectively addressing local energy needs now and for the future.

Municipal Energy Planning in Vaughan


Vaughan's MEP builds on the recently completed Community Climate Action Plan, leveraging the process and partnerships to advance a comprehensive approach to community energy planning and conservation as outlined in Green Directions Vaughan, the City's Community Sustainability and Environmental Master Plan. Demonstrating leadership, Vaughan will be one of the first municipalities to leverage its Community Climate Action Plan into a comprehensive Municipal Energy Plan, setting an example for other jurisdictions to follow.


The Process: Creating the Municipal Energy Plan


Our Stakeholder Advisory Group


The Stakeholder Advisory Group (SAG) engages over a dozen different stakeholders from a variety of sectors representing energy users and distributors, land use planning and development, buildings and built form, as well as transportation. The SAG served as a non-political advisory committee providing ongoing input and advice that contributed to the development of the MEP. The SAG met six times over the course of the 2014-2015 year to discuss goals, analysis, actions, targets, integration and implementation of the MEP.


MEP Stakeholder Advisory Group Terms of Reference

MEP Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting #1 Agenda
MEP Stakeholder Meeting #1 Presentation
MEP Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting #1 Summary
MEP Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting #2 Agenda
MEP Stakeholder Advisory Group Meeting #2 Summary


View the City of Vaughan's Municipal Energy Plan



Initiatives arising from the Municipal Energy Plan will work to reduce overall energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in Vaughan while positively impacting the economic, social and environmental sustainability of the community. Interested in finding out more? Want to get involved? Contact


ClimateWise Building Challenge



The City of Vaughan is proud to have participated in the ClimateWise Building Challenge in 2021 and 2022.


What is the ClimateWise Building Challenge?


The ClimateWise Building Challenge is a York Region wide, friendly awards and recognition competition created to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve building energy efficiency through collaboration, education, and innovation. This free initiative is open to building owners, property managers, and tenants who want to take climate action.


Learn more about the ClimateWise Challenge and how to participate here.