Holiday Waste Reduction

Canadians generate up to 25% more waste over the holidays – but through wise choices, this doesn’t have to be the case.

Small changes can produce big benefits!


Here’s how you can reduce your holiday waste:

  • Give waste-friendly gifts such as experiences – event tickets, attractions, passes, or classes. As well, you can donate to a local charity on behalf of the recipient.
  • Consider wrapping presents in fabrics, newspapers, paper bags and gift boxes while avoiding foil or glittery paper, ribbons, and try not to use too much tape. Metallic and glittery paper cannot be recycled! Don’t forget to save gift bags and wrapping paper in good condition that you receive for reuse next year.
  • Purchase quality or secondhand decorations that will last multiple seasons.
  • Host a waste friendly meal. Avoid using disposable dishes and cutlery if possible and use your own dishes. Plan your meal ahead of time and only cook what you need. If you have food scraps, make sure they go into the green bin and not the garbage. If you have leftovers, ask your guests to take some home with them and freeze any extra leftovers for another meal.
  • Shop local. Locally made items typically have less packaging and reduced greenhouse gas emissions due to no shipping required.
  • Dispose of old electronics and batteries properly if you received a new gadget. Bring your old electronics and batteries to the York Region’s Community Environmental Centre at 130 McCleary Court in Vaughan. at 130 McCleary Court and never place these items in your curbside waste. Batteries and cell phones are also accepted at Vaughan Public Libraries.