Cycle Network

The Regional Municipality of York Cycling Map (fifth edition) is a resource to plan cycling route sto work, school, shopping or to explore the Region. The York Region Cycling Map shows Protected Bike Lanes (CYcle Tracks or Separated Cycling Facilities), Off-Road Multi-use Trails (Multi-use Recreational Trails), Shared Pathways in Boulevard (In-boulevard Multi-use Pathways), Bike Lanes, paved Shoulders and Shared Roadways (bike-friendly streets in York Region).  The Cycling Map is available electronically and printed. 


Electronic cycling maps are available here for viewing and printing:


For more information visit:


The cycling network in Vaughan is growing and consists of the following types of cycle facilities.

  • In-boulevard Cycle Track or Separated Cycling Facility - designated space for cyclists, physically separated from pedestrians and motorists
  • On-road Bike Lane (Buffered or Conventional) - designated space for cyclists, physically separated from pedestrians but no physical separation from motorists (pavement markings only)
  • In-boulevard Multi-use Pathways - shared space for pedestrians and cyclists, physically separated from motorists
  • Multi-use Recreational Trails - shared space for pedestrians and cyclists, within parks and open spaces