Restoration and Enhancement

Grow Zones

In taking the Mayors’ Monarch Pledge, the City committed to identifying opportunities for revised mowing programs and planting pollinator-friendly plants. Vaughan has embarked in identifying Grow Zones which will be left as natural enhancement areas. Natural enhancement areas will not be mowed but left with tall grass and plants. The City will continue to identify priority Grow Zone sites and are developing signs to promote this initiative.

Benefits of Grow Zones:

  • Provide habitat for pollinators and other wildlife
  • Improve erosion control and replenish groundwater
  • Filter storm water before it goes into creeks and rivers
  • Promote sustainable landscaping
  • Encourage native plant growth and reduces weed growth
  • Reduce maintenance costs
  • Improve biodiversity

Learn more about the City’s Pollinator Program.


The Urban Forest

In Vaughan, the urban forest consists of boulevard trees, green spaces, parks, natural areas and woodlands.The size and effectiveness of the urban forest is measured by the percentage of tree canopy. The City's five-year plan to expand the urban forest identifies an ideal range between 20 to 25 percent for tree canopy cover. The more recent York Region Forest Management Plan identifies a recommended range for the urban tree canopy cover in Vaughan to be between 25 to 35 percent.The City is at 17 percent at this time.


A healthy urban forest is diverse and provides many benefits, including:

  • Improve air quality
  • Absorb carbon dioxide and other gases
  • Reduce air temperature when water evaporates from the leaves
  • Intercept rainfall, resulting in reduced storm water runoff and improved water quality
  • Provide habitat to wildlife and species at risk
  • Reduce noise pollution by acting as a sound barrier


What is the City doing to increase our tree canopy?

In 2022, the City earned the 2021 Tree Cities of the World recognition for its leadership in urban forest management practices. The Tree Cities of the World program is an international effort through the Arbor Day Foundation and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to recognize municipalities that ensure urban forests and trees are properly maintained, sustainably managed and duly celebrated. The City met or exceeded all five standards required through the Tree Cities of the World program. To date, more than 30,000 trees have been planted as part of the City's tree replacement program

For more information on tree planting, pruning, inspections and removals please contact the Forestry Operations department.


Private Tree Planting

Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests (LEAF)

We strongly encourage Vaughan residents to plant trees on their property, as the City does not plant trees on private property. The City supports LEAF’s subsidized tree planting program for single-family and multi-unit homes and businesses. This would include a full planting service or a do-it-yourself option with support of LEAF staff. If you are replacing ash trees lost to the emerald ash borer, you may qualify for an extra rebate.

For information and assistance with private tree plantings, we encourage you to check out the Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Urban Forests (LEAF) backyard planting program.