Service Vaughan (department)

Service Vaughan is the contact centre for the City of Vaughan.



Call Service Vaughan with your questions or concerns regarding any City of Vaughan programs or services. The contact centre is able to assist callers with general inquiries.


Your questions will be answered promptly by knowledgeable and caring staff. If more information or action is required we will put you in touch with the appropriate department for resolution to your inquiry.

service vaughan with service vaughan logo and service icons





In an effort to enhance our service, the City of Vaughan has implemented Textnet service and software that enable deaf, deafened, hard of hearing or speech-impaired residents to more easily access and converse with us.


Our contact centre staff are trained to use the new technology.


Textnet enables you to continue to use your familiar TTY communication device; however, it converts the communication to a pop-up text message that appears on your computer screen – essentially creating an online conversation.


Residents can access Textnet service by calling: 1-866-543-0545




With the UbiDuo, communication is quick: the deaf, hard of hearing or hearing person can start a conversation right away instead of writing on paper and pen, or waiting for an interpreter to arrive.


Language Line


Language should never be a barrier. We speak your language!


Language Line, an over the phone interpretation system that provides verbal translation in over 150 languages, is available free of charge to residents. Request this service with one of our Citizen Service Representatives via the Service Vaughan Contact Centre.